We Build Garages Suites with Quality and Professionalism.
Have a question about building a garage suite, or need help deciding if a garage suite is right for you? Find your answers here, and if we couldn’t answer your question, call us at 780-737-4355 and we’d be glad to help.
Q. How do I know if I can build a garage suite on my property?
A.The easy way, call us! If you want to find it yourself, you can contact your local municipality or refer to the community Bylaws.
Q. I want to build a suite. Can I build on my existing pad or garage?
A. No, building a garage suite is much like building a home and does require more concrete and structural engineering.
Q. Why should I build a Garage Suite?
A. A garage suite allows for a more flexible lifestyle. Although the overall cost is large, a garage suite can provide additional income as an investment property in your backyard. You get a new garage for your personal needs. If your home is small, it can allow for your growing family to move out, but not leave home yet, or your older family members to move in, yet still give some privacy.
Currently the city is promoting and encouraging densification and in some cases, subsidies are available if you meet certain criteria. Bylaws are evolving to allow more flexibility in designing and constructing garage suites. People are more interested today than ever before as the potential of the investment, is more attractive.
Garage suites sound like and are a great investment, but if you are not prepared, it can be intrusive and expensive. Building a garage suite should be a well researched and informed decision. Things to consider: another family will be living in your yard, some minor work will need to be done in your home, your yard will be a construction zone for months, consult your mortgage specialist first and your neighbours second, call a garage suite builder such as Premier Built Garages to help consult and construct.
Q. How do I design a garage suite? Do you have standard options to choose from?
A. Yes, we have some base models of Garage Suites that we offer. For most circumstances, our sales staff and our designer work with you directly to create the garage suite that works for your property and meets your needs.
Q. What does a garage suite cost?
A. Much like a house, a garage suite price varies with size and finishes. Expect to spend $175k to $225k or $800-$1000 per month. The price can vary with the amount of concrete required, how the utilities are run to the building, what the exterior details look like, and how you finish the interior of the suite. Expect to finalize design and finishes, and site inspections before a final price can be accurately provided.
Q. Can I build on my own and will I save money if I get my own materials?
A. Yes, you can build on your own, but consider the cost savings first. As a builder, we not only have purchasing power for materials, but we have experienced professionals who know the process and have an efficient and proven system in place. There are many resources to help you with the build, but you still have to do the work and research to get the building constructed.
Most people that build themselves have said they saved money, but they typically don’t consider their time and stress. As far as the construction costs are concerned, you will still have to hire people to do most of the work, and you will pay more for materials and labour than the builder would. In the end, the costs typically balance out, but with a builder you have saved yourself the stress of research, consultation, and scheduling the build. Plus with Premier Built Garages you get a warranty with your suite that you can’t get yourself.
Q. Can I get a mortgage for my garage suite?
A. Typically you can add a garage suite to your existing mortgages. Unfortunately, you are not able to hold separate mortgages on the same property. We recommend consulting with your Mortgage Specialist beforehand. We have specialist available for you to discuss this with if needed.
Q. Do you need to access my house when constructing a garage suite?
A. Yes, most of the time utilities are tied in through your main utilities running to your house. In some circumstances we can connect directly to the main source at the roadway, but that depends on the utilities and the locations. Expect some minor demolition and repair work to be done when connecting services to your garage suite.
Q. How long does it take to build a garage suite?
A. Garage suites are much like building a home, they can vary depending on the neighbourhood requirements, scope of work, and detailed finishes. Expect a build to take 3-6 months, depending on the design and detail. Through consultation and planning a schedule is outlined before commencement of the build.
Q. Can I make a garage suite as big as I want?
A. No, there are restrictions on how small and how large the living space can be. There are also limitations on how large the garage space can be in a suite vs. a standard garage. Each neighbourhood or zone has a development allowance for your lot, that can be found through your Bylaws, or you can contact Premier Built Garages to find out how this would work when you build with them.
Q. Do you build the entire garage suite or can we do some of the work?
A. Yes, we build the entire suite, from demolition to interior finishing. It’s all taken care of and you can sit back and watch the work.
Yes, you also can do some of the work if you want to get your hands dirty. If you do want to complete part of the scope, we would work with you to schedule this so that the building is complete and can be approved by development officers (in accordance with the permits approved) and turned over to you with in the time allotted.